Kasper presents at the 2018 San Diego Cell Mapping Symposium

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Kasper presented his talk titled “Expanding discovery from cancer genomes by integrating network analyses with massively parallel in vivo tumorigenesis assays” at the 2018 San Diego Cell Mapping Symposium. His presentation featured work led by Heiko Horn on expanding discovery from cancer genomes using NetSig, in collaboration with Jesse Boehm and Gaddy Getz at the Broad Institute.

Group members attend ASHG 2018 meeting in San Diego

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April Kim, Nadine Fornelos Martins, Heiko Horn, Taibo Li and Kalliopi Tsafou attended the ASHG 2018 Annual Meeting held in San Diego. Group members presented their work during the poster session and former member Taibo Li presented a platform talk. Great work everyone!