Fatma was chosen to present her proposal “Leveraging deep learning to develop next-gen gene therapy vectors” work with Ben Deverman Lab in Broad’s Shark Tank Competition. We wish you the very best of luck Fatma!

Fatma was chosen to present her proposal “Leveraging deep learning to develop next-gen gene therapy vectors” work with Ben Deverman Lab in Broad’s Shark Tank Competition. We wish you the very best of luck Fatma!
Kasper presented at the Wellcome Trust conference on Immunogenomics of Disease: Accelerating to Patient Benefit, which is a conference that aims to bring together scientists working in molecular immunology, functional genomics and immune-mediated disease genetics to showcase recent findings in the field of immunogenomics. More information can be found here.
Kasper hosted, per an invitation from the Foreign Minitry, Tommy Ahlers, the Danish Minister for Science, Technology, Information and Higher Education at the Stanley Center at Broad Institute alongside Steve Hyman and Elise Robinson. The Minister was in Cambridge to open a Danish Innovation Center in Kendall Square.
Kasper moderated and gave a presentation at the opening of Innovation Center Denmark in Boston, which composed of talks by Danish Minister for Science & Innovation. Read more about the Innovation Center Denmark in Boston here.
Kasper has been co-appointed to the Harvard University Faculty of Medicine. Very well deserved and the biggest congratulations to you Kasper!
Kasper presented his talk titled “Expanding discovery from cancer genomes by integrating network analyses with massively parallel in vivo tumorigenesis assays” at the 2018 San Diego Cell Mapping Symposium. His presentation featured work led by Heiko Horn on expanding discovery from cancer genomes using NetSig, in collaboration with Jesse Boehm and Gaddy Getz at the Broad Institute.
Taibo presented his work on tissue-specific network analyses using the Broad Institute GeNets technology. GeNets can be found here.
Taibo won the outstanding graduate student presentation award from the Association of Chinese Genetics in America during the ASHG 2018 Annual Meeting held in San Diego. We are very proud of you and excited for the fantastic future ahead of you Taibo!
April Kim, Nadine Fornelos Martins, Heiko Horn, Taibo Li and Kalliopi Tsafou attended the ASHG 2018 Annual Meeting held in San Diego. Group members presented their work during the poster session and former member Taibo Li presented a platform talk. Great work everyone!